Mango Scion Orders 2020

Scion Season 2020

Mango Scions are now in our store! Please place your order by 9pm EST on March 15, 2020 for shipping on March 30, 2020.

We ship scions within the continental United States (but NOT to California and Arizona.) Scions will shipped in USPS flat rate boxes on Monday, March 30, 2020. The cost for shipping and handling is $10.

Local Orders

If you are ordering scions for pickup at the farm, please email us at

Pickup for local orders is 5pm on the day we ship scions out. For example, the next local orders can be picked up on Monday, March 30, 2020 at 5pm.

Our recent cold temperatures have increased the chance that these scions will push out flowers instead of leaves. Also, more scions should be available for our next ship opportunity to order. If possible, we recommend that you wait for our next ship date.

Chris Wenzel