Final Mango Scion Orders for 2021

The next few weeks is the time to order mango scions via email for both pickup and shipping.

The deadline for scion orders for 2021 is October 16, 2021. After that, we plan to resume scion orders in March-April 2022.

Steps to Place a Scion Order

  1. Decide what mango varieties you want scions of and how many of each variety. This page (click on ‘mango’ … underlined) has most of the mango varieties we grow, and it might help you decide what to order. (We cannot make scions of ‘Coconut Cream’ as it is a patented variety.)

  2. Email us your scion order at If you plan to pick up your order, please include that information with your order. If you would like them shipped to you, please include your shipping address in your order. The shipping charge is $12.

  3. It will take 1-3 weeks for your scions to be ready. You’ll receive an email when we are able to fill your order.

  4. If your scions will be shipped, we will send you a PayPal invoice or a credit card invoice shortly before we ship your scions.


We ONLY ship within the continental United States. We do NOT ship to California or Arizona.

Chris Wenzel